Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Read this and repeat after me, "Biden really would not be as bad as a second Trump term."  Now, take a valium, let it kick in, and say again, "Biden really would not be as bad as a second Trump term."

Feel better?  No?  Punch a pillow, scream at the wall, remember, Biden really would not be as bad as a second Trump term.  Then donate some money to your favorite progressive candidate.



  1. Happen to agree with Sanders, regarding the facts highlighted in this article:

    "Now I understand there are well-intentioned candidates who believe the best way forward is a middle ground strategy that antagonizes no one, that stands up to nobody, and that changes nothing," Sanders said. "In my view, that approach is not just bad policy, but it is a failed political strategy that I fear could end up with the reelection of Donald Trump."

  2. It's too hot in Paris right now to stay cool!

  3. Biden is better than Trump, but if that is the choice it will be a very different election than a Sanders/Warren v. Trump contest. The mid-term election generated a massive increase in turnout (+14%). Some analysts speculate it will not be as large in 2020 if the party nominee represents the Clinton/DLC/old guard faction, i.e., Biden. The huge increase in turnout should continue in 2020 and, if it does, it would not be unreasonable to expect a Trump loss in the neighborhood of 58/42 along with continued losses for Republican candidates for House and Senate. The lower the turnout the greater the risk of a Trump win in the electoral college again.

    I think the thing to look for in the debates is who effectively takes on Biden's case for working with the opposition just like the good ole days. His example of working with Eastland has a resonance with a large faction of voters who think the parties have moved to the extremes and we have to get back to how things used to work. It also has a significant resonance with Black voters who remember just how vicious a white supremacist he was. The candidate who can clearly explain how the time to compromise with racists is over could get a significant post-debate boost and do some damage to Biden. In fact, the way to weaken Biden is to show how out of touch he is with the the current realities of Republican party politics. There is no arm long enough "to reach across the aisle" and cooperate with the fascistic Republicans.
