Sunday, May 10, 2020


It may seem insane when the economy is cratering and people are dropping like flies, but I am cranking up plans to start lecturing on Book I of David Hume’s Treatise of Human Nature this Saturday.  I project four or five weekly lectures, including a brief first introductory lecture at the end of which I will announce the reading for the following Saturday, for serious participants.  If the attendance is small enough, I will unmute everyone at the end for comments and questions.  I shall be making page references to the classic Selby-Bigge edition of the Treatise.

I propose a 2 p.m. Eastern [US] starting time.  Assuming I can figure out how to do all of this, I will publish the link on my blog, save the lecture to the cloud, and then upload it to YouTube.

Any comments, questions, objections, suggestions for alterations in this plan?


  1. I will watch it and learn. But I'm actually rather shy so probably won't be asking any live questions. Thanks.

  2. Sounds great! I'll wait for your link.
    I'm just excited for another set of lectures and appreciate your willingness to answer questions.

    Hope your wife is feeling better and that you two are keeping safe.

  3. I can´t watch online because of technical issues but I will wait that you upload it to youtube. I´ve just started the Treatise (I´m on page 60) and so your course will be EXTREMLY USEFUL. Thank you very much Prof. Wolff!

  4. Great. Good time...we Europeans will still be awake! Amazing how you have become a high tech guru! And how do we tune in?

  5. Wait a minute- the 'readings' for the lectures? This might be more work than I thought. Can't you just explain what he says and I can take your word for it :) We aren't going to have to write essays about it are we? You don't get to grade me at this stage of my life.

    I am actually looking forward to it though. I have a number of issues with Hume to begin with. I think. I want to hear your thoughts.

  6. I´m looking forward the first lesson. I´ve been reading the Treatrise and also your blog posts from 2011 when you presented Hume philosophy. I think I have an objection against your idea that Hume is giving us a "theory of mental activity". But I´ll explain later when you´ll argue that point of view.
    the portuguese reader

  7. I love reading books written by Karl Marx. Hope I find this lecture useful. I never miss your lectures. Looking forward to your lectures on YouTube and your thoughts on Hume. Thanks Robert, for the useful post.

  8. I prefer reading books written by Karl Marx. Looking forward to your lectures. Thanks, Robert, for the valuable post.
    Kashmiri Literature Syllabus
