Thursday, September 10, 2009


South Carolina is not a large state. It has nine principal political officials -- two senators, six members of the House, and a Governor. And yet four of those nine are Mark Sanford, of Rio and the Appalachian Trail fame, the reptilian Lindsey Graham, the appalling Jim DeMint, and now the Boor of the Congress, Joe Wilson. We in North Carolina feel a certain proprietary pride in the term "Carolina," and really would prefer not to share it with the troglodytes to our immeduate south.

1 comment:

  1. I've paternal roots in your area that you call North Carolina, but in Charleston at least, Carolinians, when asked where they are from, remark that "if you're talking about that thin strip of woodlands between Carolina and Virginia, I'm not from there". But try Charleston for a lark. It's been referred to as the most European city in America for good reason. And quite gay friendly as well, despite the occasional billboard battles on the interstate coming into the city on the Internstate in North Charleston between the one or two megachurches and the local gay community, which I think has now won that battle.

    Even though I now live in Pennsylvania, Charleston is the one part of South Carolina that has any semblance of civilization. Never mind what those crazies in the upstate of Carolina near the Appalachians do when they vote. Charleston has had a Democrat for a mayor for 30 years or so, the same one. And it's actually more liberal than the central part of Pennsylvania that Mr. Carville calls Alabama where I now live. Despite crazy Mark Sandford, who hails from Sullivans Island which has been spooked ever since Edgar Allen Poe wrote about that island.
