Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I was idly channel surfing yesterday when I stumbled on Pride and Prejudice. Since it was a commercial break, I hit the Info button on the remote to see which version it was -- my favorite is the recent remake with Keira Knightly. The one line plot summary was "A man begins a convoluted relationship with a woman." That struck me as such a hilarious capsule characterization of the novel that I decided to see whether I could come up with some others. Then it occurred to me to issue a challenge to my readers to post their efforts as comments to this blog post.

Here are my first tries:

The Odyssey -- Married man goes off to war and takes a long time getting home.

Don Quixote -- Aging bachelor has issues with wind farms.

Hamlet -- Young man gets girl, think he loses girl, takes it hard.

OK. Now it is your turn.


  1. Crime and Punishment: Country boy goes to the big city, falls on hard time, kills his landlady, and discovers himself

  2. maybe opera is too simple. Turandot: frigid Chinese princess warms to ambitious prince, after his slave has killed herself for his love in full view.

  3. Critique of Pure Reason: Some things can be demonstrated without relying on sensory experience.

  4. Precious Bane by Mary Webb: Gideon`s guide to aspiring Conservatives

  5. Codex Gigas: Margaret Thatcher, illustrated
