Friday, November 27, 2009


Back in the 40's, when I was young, my sister and I, and many other people, used to listen to a folk music program on WNYC, New York City's public radio station, run by a young folk singer named Oscar Brand. I always thought of him as our own personal Pete Seegar [although it seems he is actually Canadian.] Here are two wonderful facts I just discovered, courtesy of Wikipedia:

1. He is still alive, at age 89, and is still hosting the same radio program that he started in 1945.

2. This is the biggie: He was on the Board of the organization that started Sesame Street, and he bugged them so much about their failure to achieve their original goal, which was to reach out to kids in the ghetto, that they created a character on Sesame Street modeled after him: OSCAR THE GROUCH!!!

I feel as though two completely separate lines in my life have suddenly come together.

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