Thursday, December 31, 2009


Although this blog was officially launched several years ago, I only began blogging regularly in June of this year. In reviewing those eight months of posts, I was struck by two things: First, how much I have written. This is not a big-time blog with editors and unpaid interns and all. It is just me, typing away with two fingers and then correcting my endless typos.. A lot of words have gone up on the screen and whirled away into cyberspace in that time. Second, the large numbers of people who have contributed to the blog over the months.

First of all, there were my two guest bloggers, Ann Davis and Barbara O'Brien [each of whose posts, in my feckless senile way, was introduced as "my very first guest blog." Sorry about that, Ann.]

Here is the list, as complete as I could make it in my quick review, of all the folks who have posted comments.

Far and away the two busiest commentators have been Ann, of guest post fame, and NotHobbes, from Scotland [with whom I had a spirited debate about who should be considered Scotland's most famous son or daughter.]

Then there were Rodrigo from Brazil, Jennifer, Ajrosa [these last two are actually former students from my Afro-American Studies days], Matthew, IKant [an intriguing handle -- my Massachusetts license plate was IKant], RVincent63 [a classmate of Jennifer and Ajrosa, who helped me set up the blog], David, Todd, ElPutoAlpha, from Spain, Avril, Matias Penengo, Jamie, Bev, Experiment, from Canada, Rob, Eoin [pronounced "Owen," he tells me], Dan., Robert, EggsMaladict from Australia [a wonderful handle, that], Kius from Spain, Gene Callahan, Maciek from Poland, Mlange, adavisa, and, of course, the bizarre Chinese language comments that turned out to be some sort of advertisement for chat rooms or dating services or porn sites [the automatic translation program that I found on line was a little ambiguous].

And all of this does not include the people who chose to send me a direct email rather than post a comment on the blog.

When I began, at the suggestion of my older son, Patrick, my younger son, Tobias warned me that a blog was a lot of work, and he was right. But Patrick's suggestion has turned out to be a good one indeed. It has been enormously rewarding for me to discover the ways in which I could reach out not only to people whom I know but also to people whom I do not know, but who have paid me the great compliment of taking the time to react to my posts.

Thank you to all of you -- those who comment, and those who simply read the blog and move on. I shall try to keep things going in the coming year. Those who know me, especially from my classroom efforts, have every reason to expect that I will never run out of things to say.

And now, a Happy New Year to all.


  1. Wishing you, and all readers, a very happy and prosperous new year.
    Hell, it`s Hogmanay! I`ll even extend that to any passing conservatives...

    I think I should lie down now

  2. Best not to get carried away with the spirit of the day. The Conservatives can take care of themselves. Fortunately for them, I have absolutely no stored up credit with the God they, but not I, believe in. Otherwise, they would be in for a very bad year.


  3. Thanks for name me in the post though I don't publish any comment for two weeks (but I visit this blog when there is a new post).

    Happy New Year's Eve and I hope you have a great 2010!

  4. The conservatives are masters in taking care of themselves; perhaps if they displayed a genuine warmth to others once every aeon or so then they....Ach! I`m drinking and feeling quite optimistic, ignore me.

    Just curious, but do you make(and keep) any resolutions at this time of year Professor?

  5. No resolutions. From time to time, as the spirit moves, I go on a diet to lose weight, and of course there is my daily power walk. But January 1st has never had any special meaning to me -- perhaps because it is so close to my birthday.

  6. I hear "Mons Meg"
    Happy New Year ti ya ahl!

  7. Happy New Year to all (late again)!
