Thursday, February 11, 2010


That is "mainstream media," for those of you not plugged into the blogosphere. No sooner did I voice my hope that Palin will secure the Republican nomination for president in 2012 than the Washington Post reports in a new poll that more than 70% of Americans consider her not fit to be president. Go Sarah! As Napoleon is reputed to have said to one of his Marshals during a battle, "When your enemy is making a mistake, do not interrupt him."

On a totally unrelated matter, I am still waiting for the folks at Marist College to post my lecture there on a server and send me the link. If, after I have reviewed it, I decide that it is not totally embarrassing, I will provide the link for my readers. Those who were once my students may then take a stroll down memory lane, and those whom I have never met can put a face and a voice to these words.


  1. (Nothobbes mischievously sings to the tune of "Oh Come All Ye Faithfull" whilst stamping feet on wooden floor)

    Oh why are we waiting? Why..aye are we waiting?

  2. Alas, moving bureaucracies as well as political sentiments.......I feel equally ineffective...!
