Sunday, September 12, 2010


I tried, in a sober and non-confrontational fashion, to respond to C's comment about my atheist rant. I wrote a long reply, and clicked on "publish." The Binary God who inhabits cyberspace chose to mock me by posting my reply three times ["What I say to you three times is true."] Those who are alert to such signs may make of this what they will. My faith in reason is shaken but not destroyed.


  1. You can get rid of the extra ones by clicking the little trashcan icon at the end of the comment. Choose "delete forever" when prompted.

    And you can delete this "mea culpa" post as well, if you want to. Go to "Design" next to the Sign In link, upper right. Go to Dashboard. To the right of your profile, choose Edit Posts. Place a checkmark next to the post name you want to delete and choose Delete over there on the right. (Make sure you are clicking Delete on the correct line/title!) Done.

    Before the rest of the world wakes up. =)


  2. Wow. Thank you. That just about doubles my knowledge of how this thing works. You must be several decades younger than I am , at least. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You are very welcome. =)

    I'll be 60 in two weeks. To read the only bit of personal history I've posted, use this link: (May 2010 series "A Call to Reason")

    Please read the final edit of "Digging Deeper: Marx & Wolff" which is reposted with today's date (09/12). I must apologize that I often post before I'm satisfied with the output and your "discovery" of The Moxie Files was a bit awkward timing. That post is finished now.

    I know you will not like the post, but I am not the expert on Marx that you are, and I'm especially interested in any relevant drubbing you might dish out because of my ignorance. LOL.

    A happy day to you and yours. My friends call me GC. Please do.

  5. Dear Robert,
    I really enjoyed your rant and would like to agree. Last Sat at our local market someone was going on about "those evil Muslims' so I suggested we bring back 10am burnings at the stake in the town square for heretics. Stony (no pun intended!) silence. The veneer of modernity of all these religions is paperthin. Jude
