Saturday, October 9, 2010


OK, you have to read this, from The Onion of several days ago. Here is the link.,18209/

You can't click on this [I forget how to do it], so just copy it and paste it in your command line. Johnathan Swift is not dead.


  1. You can create a hyperlink but putting an "a" between angled brackets (<>) at the beginning and "/a" between angled brackets at the end.

    Also, here's another recent Onion article that's a deathless classic:,18204/?utm_source=recentnews

  2. I saw that one. It was great!

    OK. at the beginning and at the end, yes? Probably, every ten year old in America knows that.

  3. You got it.

    And I wouldn't put any money on those ten-year-olds. My experience has been that even by the time they reach college they still don't understand the most basic things about the electronic devices they use. HTML is definitely beyond their ken, unless they happen to be computer science majors. I love my students, but I'm endlessly amazed at the things they need to be told about how to use a word processor.

  4. You have just totally destroyed my understanding of the modern world. I thought all ten year olds acquired a grasp of electronic stuff with their toilet training. Oh well.

  5. If you highlight the http address while you are composing (be careful to highlight the address exactly and no extra characters) and click the "LINK" button in the googlish toolbar right above the composition window, the googlish will turn the address into a live link.

    Usually. LOL.

  6. Thank you, thank you. The subtext of all your helpful suggestions is, of course, that any idiot can do it. Sigh. Now, if only I were an idiot. But wait. maybe I am....
