Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I just read a long NATION piece online that criticizes a rather dismissive denial of the effectiveness of internet and such like tools for progressive organizing. I think it explores in detail many of the ideas I was rather preliminarily trying to sketch in a previous blog post. Read it and perhaps we can discuss it. Here is the url. I cannot figure out how to make it clickable [I know, I know, you have told me before], so just cut it and paste it into your command line.



  1. Great article. Thanks for the link. It's almost a little primer on how to incorporate new media to pull off an activist event. Although our usual impression is that the internet is disorganized, random, diffuse and unreliable -- more than half of its intellectual content is tripe -- there is nothing about the medium that necessitates a lack of focus, and much about it that makes it much more powerful than any previous media when it is focused.

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