Friday, January 14, 2011


If I can muster the energy, now that I am teaching two courses [a Learning in Retirement course at Duke on Plato's REPUBLIC and a graduate seminar at UNC in Public Policy], would anyone be interested in a multi-part tutorial, on this blog, on an introduction to the thought of Karl Marx? I don't know whether I can manage it without going through the details of his economic theory [which I did in my book, UNDERSTANDING MARX], but someone might find it useful.

Or, I could just go on snarking.


  1. Uhyou doing s Marx lecture on your blog is akin to fulfilling my wildest fantasies... Okay sure that's creepy, but I'm just really trying to say: he'll yes! Do it! Please! Thank you!

  2. First, tell us what you are doing for your public policy course.

  3. I would also greatly appreciate this undertaking!

  4. Professor Wolff, is it a coincidence that I came upon your blog on the very day I looked up Lewis Carroll's 'The Hunting of the Snark' in response to a query from a third grade class about snarks? I was responding to a friend's poking fun at a fairly unflattering photograph of a Ph.D. in Philosophy. Wanting to point out that my experience of a Ph.D. in Philosophy had been yourself as head of the STPEC program which I was delighted to be a graduate of the class of 1980, I 'googled' you....ah, the 21st century and it's information access still thrills me! In doing so I was delighted to see you sharing your views of the passing scene and have been reminded of why I chose my undergraduate course of study. LOVE hearing your views. Takes me back to the classroom in 1979-80 and I once again appreciate my unique educational bent. Grateful for blogs and in particular that you choose to do so! As for snarking, snark on!

  5. Please do and I would also be interested in your understanding of the work done on Marx by David Harvey. Thanks.

  6. As an alum of your Formal Methods in Political Philosophy tutorial, I would welcome it!

  7. I'd like to add my voice to the chorus of yes votes.
