Wednesday, April 27, 2011


In five days, I leave this loony bin called America and fly off to France, whose government has just made it a crime for a Muslim woman to appear in public with her face covered. Is there no place in the world left where a sane person can spend a little time?


  1. Come visit us on Vancouver Island.

  2. Well, sometimes the absurdities of life in a loony bin throw up a good joke:

    I thought Norway was quite an exemplary place in the time I lived there, if you ignore the fact that they live on the very limits of the earth where the sun doesn't rise and set during the course of a day (the Norwegians can't set it aside: it's amazing how many people in the country with the highest standard of living in the world want to leave). As a non-citizen, I was also somewhat distraught to see their practice of having plainclothes policemen riding public transport trying to pick up people without the proper visas, by which they mean non-white people without proper visas.

  3. From my own point of view, it is so refreshing to come here(blog) and find nothing, absolutely nothing concerning a certain event taking place in the U.K today.
    That's sanity enough for me at this point in time
