Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I am almost done with Part Six of my Freud tutorial and hope to post it later today. I am having great fun laying out these ideas as clearly and simply as I can, even though I suspect almost no one is much interested in them. I note, by way of contrast, that my offhand comments about food here in Paris provoked a relative blizzard of comments. But, as I remarked a few posts ago, this is what I do, so I shall soldier on, for the four or six or more additional posts it will take me to complete the tutorial. Then I will post it on, and perhaps eventually someone will navigate his or her way to it and find it of interest.


  1. I am teaching Freud this summer, and I will certainly refer students to your tutorial as a recommended additional read. So, hopefully you'll have an additional handful of readers for it then.

  2. Forget Freud! How about sharing your recipe for the cuisses de canard?

  3. Thank you, Charles. As for the recipe, I found it on the internet. Very easy, so long as you can get something called "five spices" from an Oriental food store. Rub the skin side of the cuisses with some five spices. Chop up a big onion, and smash two or three cloves of garlic. Also pepper [and salt, if you use it] the cuisses. In a frying pan, heat a little olive oil on high heat, put in the cuisses skin side down, and sear them for five or ten mintes until they afre well browned. Remove them, add the onions and garlic, and shmush around in the fat and olive oil until they are well coated. Then put the cuisses back in the pan on top of the onions and garlic, skin side up. Put the entire frying pan in a medium or even slow oven -- no more than 350 F, and maybe even 300 or a bit less, and let it slow cook for an hour and a half, until the meat is falling off the bone. Serve it with veggies or whatever you like, all prepared while the canard is slowly cooking.

    Now, as I was saying about Freud.

  4. Merci, Monsieur le Professeur.
