Wednesday, October 12, 2011


When I went to the OCCUPY CHAPEL HILL meeting on Sunday [that is what it is called locally], I put my name on a list -- I guess it is called a listserve. Now my Email In Box is jammed with messages from people who are also on the list. People are starting to talk about what they want, what they are mad about, what they object to, what they hope for -- and reading their messages quickly, ten or twenty at a time, is an exciting experience. Needless to say, sentiment ranges from ameliatory through reformist to revolutionary. There is not a hope of achieving agreement on all of this. But the energy is palpable, and thus far it seems to be growing rapidly. I have been living with disappointment and frustration and bottled up anger for so long that it is fun just to sit back and watch this happen.

Where will it lead? I have not a clue. But social media and the new technology make organizing dead easy, so there may be no natural limit to what can come of it.

1 comment:

  1. I share similar sentiments. I haven't been mad for as long as some, but this is starting to be very enjoyable to watch/be a small part of
