Saturday, December 24, 2011


The fridge is cleaned out, the bags are packed, and in a short while we shall catch a cab to Charles de Gaulle Aerogare and fly home to Chapel Hill [via Boston and Washington Dulles, of course.]  It will be  day or two before I am sufficiently un-jet-lagged to continue posting, at which point I shall launch my series of Appreciations with a discussion of Kierkegaard's brilliant short work, The Philosophical Fragments.  I must also prepare for an appearance at the Third A. A. Berle Conference at the Law School of Seattle University, but more of that anon.

a bientot.


  1. Professor Wolff --

    I have been reluctant to ask this question, but, given that it is Christmas, and my birthday happens to fall on Christmas, and given the fact that you have a cat named Christmas, I am curious who is it is that takes care of Christmas when you embark on these (what appear to be rather frequent) jaunts to Paris. This interests me because our current cats (two females named Chippie and McKenzie) would not tolerate our absence for more than a day. Any thoughts?

    -- Jim

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