Friday, February 24, 2012


Many of you, I am sure, are familiar with the rather bizarre Mormon practice of postumously baptizing the dead.  [The soul thus baptized has the choice, according to Mormon doctrine, of whether to accept the baptism.]  In pursuit of this activity, Mormons have postumously baptized several hundred thousand Jewish Holocaust victims, apparently failing to anticipate that this might seriously offend Holocaust survivors and others.  Some while ago, Elie Wiesel prevailed upon the Church of Latter Day Saints to stop this infliction of their religious beliefs on the victims of the Nazi genocide, a promise which the Mormons then proceded to break.

Now, Stephen Colbert has decided to right the balance somewhat.  He first announced that he would begin postumously baptizing Mormons into the Jewish faith.  When it was pointed out to him that Jews do not baptize [Colbert is himself a Catholic], he corrected himself, and announced that he would begin posthmously circumsizing Mormons.

You gotta love him!


  1. And he did. Here is a link to the video:
