Friday, June 29, 2012


I returned from Giverny to discover that Obama had scored a huge political victory with the Supreme Court's upholding of the Affordable Care Act.  The decision was, in several ways, rather odd, and I will leave it to those far more knowledgeable than I to parse it and explicate it.  But the political significance is, I think, unambiguous and of major importance.  I actually believe that ths decision will very materially aid Obama in his quest for a second term.  We shall see.  For the time being, it is enough to savor the relief and the pleasure.

1 comment:

  1. Little succeeds in the U. S. like success, especially among the ideologically non-aligned. Romney has a daunting enough task of arguing against Obama's twin successes of eliminating bin Laden, and passing the health-insurance plan, without the latter being his own spawn from his days as the Premier of the Socialist Republic of Massachusetts.
