Sunday, October 21, 2012


On Tuesday, I will fly north to make an appearance at Williams College, which for those of you who do not know is in the very northwest most corner of Massachusetts.  I have been invited to appear as a "Public Intellectual," which I guess I am now that I have a blog.  I shall give a talk Tuesday evening and appear at a class on Wednesday.  The title of my talk is "How to continue to be political when you are as old as I am."  I figure the one thing I really know about that the Williams students do not know about is being old.

I am beyond terminally anxious about the election, so even a two day distraction is welcome.  By the time I return to Chapel Hill, the election will be less than two weeks away.  I can stand anything for two weeks, right? 

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy your public speech transcripts (such as the Harvard Social studies one you detailed some time ago), so I hope the transcript of this one somehow makes it on here too.
