Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Today I should like to celebrate two anniversaries.  The first and far and away more important of the two is that today, January 16, 2013, is the eightieth birthday of my wife, Susie.  Faithful readers of my autobiography [of whom there may be one or two] will know that Susie and I met sixty-five years ago as high school sophomores, at Forest Hills High School in Queens, New York.  I fell in love with her then, and we "went steady" [as one used to say] for five years, until, at about the time I was graduating from Harvard, we broke up.  Fast forward thirty-five years.   When my first marriage ended, I went looking for her, we found we were still in love, and in 1987 were married.  This is a rather bittersweet moment because a week ago, while taking a walk, Susie slipped on some wet leaves and fractured her shoulder.  She does not need surgery, thank heaven, but the injury is very, very painful and doctors say it will be six or eight weeks before she is healed.  Nevertheless, by late Spring, she will be fit again, and we shall set off for Paris.

The second anniversary is not pegged to this day, but rather to all of 2013.  It is now just fifty years since I published Kant's Theory of Mental Activity, the first of what would eventually be twenty-one books.  One is always somewhat soft on one's first born, and I still think, after all these years, that it is a good book. 

There are several events scheduled today with Susie's children and grandchildren to celebrate her eightieth.  No events have been scheduled for the book.


  1. Best wishes to your wife for a pleasant and pain-free birthday and for a fast and full recovery. Best wishes to you for producing a thriving first-born that I shall study in my retirement in order to keep my mental activity intact.

  2. Thank you on both counts, but especially for my wife.

  3. Wishing Susie a speedy recovery and a wonderful birthday
    Cooking anything special tonight Professor?

  4. Happy birthday to Susie, congratulations to you both on finding each other again, and best wishes to her for a speedy recovery of the broken shoulder.

    Your first book was indeed a good one. I bought my copy at the Strand bookstore in lower Manhattan in 1987. Happy anniversary to your book.

  5. Happy Birthday to Susie and cheers to a wonderful love story, which makes a life of service that much more beautiful!! Love you Bob and Susie.

  6. Thank you, Andrew. You are one of my all time favorite students, and the world's leading expert on St. Clair Drake!
