Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Magpie [I love these webnames] expresses an interest in having me say something about money.  There was a time in my life when I gave a lot of thought to the subject, prompted by Marx's chapter on money, among other things, and actually read some modern economics books on the subject [which were no help at all, I am afraid.]  I finally sat down and started, very carefully and slowly, to try to think the subject through on paper, writing in longhand [which is how I used to write books, way back then.]   I wrote about 3000 words, complete with symbols and some linear algebra, trying to be absolutely clear on the subject.  This morning, I found what I had written in my file drawer of unpublished lectures, essays, and private writings, and reread it.  It ends abruptly just as I am getting to the hard part, which is another way of saying that I did not see my way clear through the subject then, and certainly do not now.  So I am afraid I cannot satisfy Magpie's quite legitimate interest.  It is indeed a very deep and important subject, and one that lies at the heart of the mystification of commodity production.


  1. Prof.

    Thanks for the reply. And apologies for the nom de guerre: unfortunately, personal circumstances compel me to be very privacy-conscious (Or, perhaps, on top of being a pessimist, I also tend to paranoia. Who knows!)

    Have you read anything regarding Modern Monetary Theory and the circuitist approach?

  2. Wow! What are you people talking about? My understanding of money is limited to The HISTORY CHANNEL'S: Gold! (2001) and Adam Smith's first few chapters on The Division of Labor. You should all be proud of yourselves for outdoing fools like myself... and there exists many like me. By the way, the Steel Nickel Act will end in June so you can still beef up your coin collections with good nickels: the only U.S. coin to stay the same since the mid '40s. BY THE WAY: I think I have been able to successfully refute Kant's Copernican Revolution. I refuted him in part 4 of my philosophy book at my website. Just type my first and last names at the google search engine and a link will take you to my Fiction website. Take care Professor Wolff.
