Friday, May 17, 2013


I have now finished work on the second volume of my collected essays, although we are still awaiting some permissions from journals.   This volume will be devoted to published and unpublished essays dealing with the economic theories of Marx and the Classical Political Economists.  The centerpiece of the volume is my essay, "A Critique and Reinterpretation of Marx's Labor Theory of Value."  After I published it, two really, really smart Marxist economists, both super math whizzes, published critiques of what I had done, and in each case I responded in print.  Both of them, John Roemer and David Schweickart, have agreed to let me reprint their critiques, so the volume will feature a little debate.   I am delighted to be able to include their work, and it was also fun getting back in touch with them.  I have learned a great deal from both of them.

Tomorrow, Susie and I fly off to Paris for six weeks, where I shall again be blogging about such arcane subjects as the proper recipe for boeuf bourguignonne.  It will be a relief to flee from the screwed-up problems of this country and spend six weeks reading about the screwed-up problems of someone else's country.  While I am in Paris, I hope to tackle volumes three [Political Theory and Practical Politics] and four [my tutorials, mini-tutorials, micro-tutorials, and appreciations.]


  1. Eat at Perraudin . they have a Boeuf à la bourguignonne à l'ancienne on their lunch menu at €18 for 3 plats. It goes well with a St Nicholas de Bourgeuil that they sell.
    The Bourguignon is very good.

  2. If you ever decide to go "south of the border", try the Spanish food (warning: there's a good chance you'll never again try anything Frenchy).

    And, if you're there, visit my beloved El Prado.
