Wednesday, August 28, 2013


It would seem that all of us are uncertain and frustrated by the situation in Syria.  I think, but I really do not know, that making no military moves is the least bad option, but I am painfully aware that it is not I and my family who are being slaughtered, whether by conventional weapons or by unconventional weapons.  Perhaps the only reasonable course of action is to accept the fact that America at this moment can do nothing useful or likely to succeed, and then instead of promptly forgetting about the region, work to make a fundamental change in the purposes that America pursues in the world.  If we were to do this successfully, it might then be that in twenty years we could help to bring about a set of circumstances in which we were able to use our wealth and power for good.

However, since the entire spectrum of American politics from extreme right to progressive left has, for seventy years, pursued fundamentally the wrong foreign policy, the prospect of making a real alteration in that policy seems slender indeed.  If it weren't, Noam Chomsky would be Secretary of State [so to speak.]


  1. . . . whether of indeed here sardonic or socratic ignorance, just what part of ODED is not only not to be understood, but, [alike solzhenitsyn], not even to be read . . .

  2. Robert Burns:

    Man was made to mourn: A Dirge[1]

    Many and sharp the num'rous ills
    Inwoven with our frame!
    More pointed still we make ourselves
    Regret, remorse, and shame!
    And man, whose heav'n-erected face
    The smiles of love adorn, -
    Man's inhumanity to man
    Makes countless thousands mourn!

  3. It's tough when one is getting played by the Saudis, Israel and Wall Street. American foreign policy is rarely attuned to the interests of folks down on the ground. Our interests run to dictators and corporate interests.
    So we're ready to bomb the hell out of the Syrians. Which Syrians? The drone-mystique is our 21st century foreign policy. Our bombs leave countries worse off.
    Let the Saudis, Israel, Iraq and Iran sort out the Syrian mess. Fat chance! We'll never learn the lessons of recent history.

  4. P.S. I found Prof Juan Cole's comments about Syria broadcast in Canada (there's a news blackout in the U.S.) below herein quite to the point:

  5. And I thought all the smart guys in Washington were freaking out over the deficit and that there was no money to spend.
