Monday, September 16, 2013


Since those of us on the left lose so many fights, we need to have a little celebration when we win a battle, however small.  Defeating Obama's bad idea to appoint Larry Summers as Chairman of the Federal Reserve is a victory.  It is not, in the larger scheme of things, a big victory.  It will not alter the basic structure of the American economy.  But it is a victory.  And since Summers is, among other things, a pig, it is an appropriate victory during Yom Kippur.  So, I raise a glass of Clos de Bois cabernet to the Gods, and thank them.  Sometimes you win one.


  1. In this past Saturday's NYT, the columnist Charles Blow argued that the ascent of De Blasio in NYC can be traced to OWS. Perhaps a similar argument can be made for the defenestration of Summers.

  2. Wouldn't that be great? Maybe the left is not dead yet.
