Monday, September 9, 2013


Good grief!  I go to D.C. for a few days to see my sister and the comments section of this blog explodes.  I do not intend to get in the middle of what looks like a vigorous debate.  I shall continue reading The Rainbow and the Worm and report on it.  Yesterday I went to a fund-raising party here in Chapel Hill for a progressive member of the North Carolina House, and judging from the conversation, things do not look good for reversing the reactionary turn of this promisingly purple state.  It takes a strong stomach and great patience to try to make even tiny improvements in this benighted country.

Let me say, by the way, that if the vote in the Congress goes against the President and he then launches an attack on Syria anyway, there would be a good constitutional argument for impeachment.


  1. "if the vote in the Congress goes against the President and he then launches an attack on Syria anyway, there would be a good constitutional argument for impeachment. "

    So like what Happened in Libya? You didn't bring up impeachment then....

  2. Off the topic, but perhaps of interest anyhow, from today's Hampshire Gazette--

  3. On your sister's recommendation, I read "The Rainbow and the Worm". I confess as a chemist, I found it a waste of time. The author uses the equations more to intimidate than to educate.
    Is your sister concerned with your atheism? The book seems to build a rejection of the Scientific Method on the chance observation of birefringence in maggots.

  4. Levinebar, I am only in chapter 5, and finding it difficult going. Could you say something morfe detailed about your criticism of the book? I would find it very helpful. Many thanks. [as a comment or as a guest post, as you wish.]
