Friday, February 14, 2014


During my five years of blogging, I have tried to combine extended and very serious discussion of a wide range of intellectually demanding subjects with pointed commentary on the passing political circus, all of it leavened by personal observations about age, viola playing, Paris, cooking, and other light subjects.  I have written lengthy disquisitions on the writings of Plato, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, Soren Kierkegaard, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, Karl Mannheim, Sigmund Freud, Erich Auerbach, William Golding, among others, as well as extended introductions to Afro-American Studies and The Study of Society.  I have written for this blog an eight hundred page Autobiography, and a book-length explication of The Use and Abuse of Formal Methods in Political Philosophy.  I have even offered a report on that little-known classic, Newt Gingrich's doctoral dissertation.  No one can accuse me of shirking my responsibilities as a blogger.

So perhaps I may be forgiven if I am, over the next few days, more or less Missing in Action.  Today the second season of House of Cards is available on Netflix, and I am not sure whether I can bear to move away from my computer until I have watched the entire run.  I am sure my readers will understand.  Indeed, they may take a break from reading my blog as well.