Monday, February 24, 2014


One of the irritating and quirky things about this blog form is that every so often someone posts a comment on something I wrote some while ago, and that comment gets lost in the shuffle because it is not easily available to those reading the blog today.  Michael just posted a kind comment on something written long ago, and when I went to look at it in its entirety, I discovered other comments to that post that I had somehow missed.  So tomorrow, I am going to re-post the original post -- my Credo -- and then I am going to undertake to respond in a lengthy and systematic fashion to some of those long ignored comments.  My apologies to those whom I have ignored.  I think I do not entirely have my hands on the blog form yet.


  1. Since apparently you don't "look back" to previous posts after they've aged a bit, I beg your indulgence here. I just posted a response to MACROS AND PCS CONCLUSION you may like. As always, good day to you, sir.

  2. GT, I looked back, and rtead the article you gave the URL for. It was great fun. Many thanks.
