Thursday, March 13, 2014


On April 1, Susie and I depart for a safari in the Okavango Delta in Botswana  [Very luxurious, despite the facade of roughing it.]  For two weeks I shall be totally incommunicado, unless a passing hyena has Internet access.  Meanwhile, of course, we are all mesmerized by the mysterious disappearance of the Malaysian Airliner somewhere in a vast area of South Asia.  The plane that has gone missing is a Boeing 777-200.  We shall be flying from Atlanta to Oliver Tambo Airport in Johannesburg, South Africa on -- a Boeing 777-200.

Should I return, I shall post an account of the trip illustrated by pictures taken on my IPhone.  But if the plane disappears, look for me in the Namibian desert.  I shall practice my survival skills by watching King Solomon's Mines on NetFlix.


  1. That's actually very smart to give us that information. [Any tip would be a good tip concerning that lost airliner.] Well I hope you have a safe and enjoyable trip, Dr. Wolff. I hear Africa can be a dangerous place. I think survival expert Cody Lundeen made two or three survival episodes there that were very entertaining. Hopefully you will have armed forest rangers protecting you at all times when you are in the bush. Since you are rich, I suggest that you look in the market for a GPS device that will inform authorities where you are when it is turned on; And it would be a good thing for that same device to show you where you are on the world map. Who knows, perhaps it would be better to get two separate devices?

  2. You mean my IPhone doesn't do all that already? Gee whiz.

  3. I think a lot of cell phones require towers, while the GPS goes straight to the satellite.

    However, I believe some iphones have GPS but you need the internet (meaning towers) to load the maps.
