Saturday, April 19, 2014


Following the advice of those wiser than I, I undertook to upload a video to YouTube.  It seems I already have an account on YouTube.  Who knew?  I chose an eight minute video, taken with my IPhone, of a big male lion eating a male Kudu.  It took well over two hours to upload!!!  For those of a carnivorous turn of mind, you can watch it here.

Now, I mean, two hours and more?  Suppose I had wanted to post a Haydn quartet!  It would have taken two days.  Surely there has to be a better way.  I tried converting the file to a zip file, but YouTube does not accept that format.  [This file is a .mov file.]  Does anyone have any suggestions?  I've got a lot of videos, but at my age, it might take most of the rest of my life to post them.


  1. That is far too long....

    Personally I have a video converter software on my computer that takes my recorded films and cuts their size down dramatically, allowing me to upload videos in under 3 minutes.

    But this is part of a video creation software that would cost you around $60. If you're looking to make that kind of investment it's called Magix.

    Otherwise, do you use a mac or windows? Both systems tend to have a video maker within them, that you may be able to use?

  2. Video files are already compressed, zipping them won't do anything.

    Go here:

    and click "begin test"

    what's your upload speed? It's probably terrible. You might be better off going to the library or a coffee shop.

  3. Are you uploading the video with your phone or your computer? If your phone, you might consider downloading it to your computer and uploading to youtube from there. If from your computer, you might consider trying to upload it directly from your phone.

  4. I see now an earlier post that I missed, where you said you are uploading from your computer. So two things you could do:

    1. Instead of uploading to YouTube directly, open the video in QuickTime Player, go to the File menu -> Share -> YouTube. I believe this will do some video processing to speed up the process ahead of time.

    2. Directly from your phone, in the Photos app where you can see the video, hit the share button and choose YouTube.
