Sunday, May 25, 2014


You would think that a man who has a doctorate in philosophy from Harvard and has published twenty-one erudite books on a wide variety of arcane subjects would not have to be dragged kicking and screaming to a good film, but the simple truth is that were it not for the minatory guidance of my wife, I might never get beyond the latest version of Mission Impossible and re-runs of Arnold Schwarzenegger movies.

Earlier today, at Susie's insistence, we went to see the quiet, lovely, thoughtful, touching Indian film, The Lunch Box.  I shan't try to review it for you.  Suffice it to say that it repays a visit to your local small indi/art film theater.  As has happened so often before, I was glad Susie had persevered.  But I rather suspect I will not learn from the experience.  The next time a quality movie comes along, I will resist, look for an action film showing at the same time in a neighboring cineplex, and finally go along grumpily and grudgingly, only to be surprised once again that quality can actually be enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. Funny coincidence. I saw the same film last night. I agree with your "review." Highly recommendable.
