Thursday, May 8, 2014


On August 12, 2013, I posted a rather lighthearted [but biblically accurate] explication of the phrase "the mark of Cain."  Today, nine months later, Dennis Frailey makes a comment on that post -- the twenty-seventh comment!  Sometimes I post something I have labored over and nobody comments.  It falls into the black hole that swallows up contributions to the Cloud that fail to attract attention.  And every so often I write something for my blog, like as not facetious or casual, that seems to trigger a tsunami of comments [well, a ripple -- "tsunami" should perhaps be reserved for the responses to posts on the bigtime blogs, like The Huffington Post."]  I can never tell.  I wasn't surprised that lots of people noticed when I actually read Newt Gingrich's doctoral dissertation and reported what I had found.  But for the most part, it seems totally random what provokes comments and what does not.  If I am to be totally self-revealingly honest [as is the style on blogs], I will confess that I like it when people comment.  I feel like Sally Field during her famous Academy Award speech.

Meanwhile, I await the promised critique of my Marx "reinterpretation' by several Marxist economists.


  1. Is this to say you are notified whenever there is a comment, even when the post is an older one?

  2. Yes in this sense. Every day [actually several times a day. All right, many times each day] I click on a tab called "comments" and up come the latest comments in the order in which they have been posted, regardless of which of my posts they are comments on. If I click on the post, I can see which post they are attached to, and when I posted it. This appears on something called "blogger," not on my blog itself.
