Friday, August 29, 2014




Philosophy 454

Karl Marx's Critique of Capitalism

Instructor:  Professor Robert Paul Wolff

Wednesdays, 1:00 - 3:30 p.m.

Caldwell Hall


An integrated examination of the historical, economic, sociological, political, and psychological theories of Karl Marx, with attention to the literary dimensions of his greatest work, CAPITAL.


Open to graduate students and advanced

undergraduates without prerequisites.


  1. Looks very good. Could you please also put up your reading list, when you have it ready?

    In the meantime, for anyone interested, you can find here the reading list for the Marxism module of the BA philosophy programme at the University of London (UCL, King's, Birkbeck etc).

    As you'd expect from the source, it concedes that this "Marxism paper is predominantly addressed to those aspects of Marx's thought that have attracted the attention of analytical philosophers." RPW makes an appearance on the London reading list, albeit outnumbered by references to UCL's own Jonathan Wolff.

  2. I will indeed post the syllabus when I have made it up [I don't start teaching until January 7, 2015!!
