Thursday, November 13, 2014


Jerome Doolittle, who has just appeared here, and others collectively run a blog called "Bad Attitudes."  You can find it here.  Take a look.  I recommend it.

There are lots of good people out there.  If we could get all of them to the polls every two years, we could start to turn this country around.

Meanwhile, I am continuing to re-read Volume One of Capital.  I have just started Chapter XV, "Machinery and Modern Industry," and I am already on page 11 of my reading notes.  I do understand that my re-reading of this book cannot change the world one little bit, but we all have to survive, and this is my way of making a terrible world a tad more bearable.

I am also binge-watching "Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries" on Netflix.  This is a charming series set in Melbourne, Australia in the 1920's.  It is the first thing I have seen that makes me want to visit Australia.