Friday, April 3, 2015


1.  The Republicans will do everything they can, as often as not in cahoots with Bibi Netanyahu, to scuttle the Iran nuclear talks before the June 30th deadline for a completely drafted document.

2.  They will fail.

3.  The Republicans will then try to pass a bill in the Senate rejecting the worked-out agreement, regardless of what it contains.

4.  They will fail.

5.  The Affordable Care Act, the welcoming of the LGBT community into American society, and the Iran nuclear deal will stand as Obama's enduring presidential legacy.

The first prediction should be confirmed in the next seventy-two hours, if not sooner.  The second, third, and fourth will be confirmed or disconfirmed in the next three months.  I leave the last to Michael Beschlass and Doris Kearns, who are Television's stand-ins for the profession of American History.

1 comment:

  1. The Republicans, the Republicans, the Republicans. Bah. Anyone who feigns that the entire US federal establishment is not 'for rent' to any group with 'campaign money' is intellectually dishonest.
