Tuesday, November 24, 2015


The Philosophy Department at UNC did not think there would be sufficient interest in a lecture series, so that idea is dead.  I shall explore the possibility of doing the videos in another way and posting them, or if not that, then perhaps my original idea of a series of lecture/essays.  Disappointing.


  1. I'm sorry to hear that, but if I'm to follow along and participate, written lectures would work much better than recorded ones, simply because I read faster than I can watch. Whatever format you choose, I'll let my colleagues and grad students know about it, because I think at least a few might want to join in.

  2. "..the Philosophy Department at UNC did not think there would be sufficient interest..." Congratulations. This is a splendid insult;
    an institutional response that suggests that what you do and who you are are perceived as a threat. I can't wait for your videos and/or written work to cause a stir and you know they will! Surely there is a respectable way to link up the philosophy students to all of this. "Deemed Not to Be of 'Sufficient Interest'...a series of lectures by RP Wolff...www...."

  3. Thank you, Jerry! You know how to make a guy feel good. :)

  4. You know, I bet you'd have been able to drum up enough interest in the course of it had been cross-listed with whatever department or interdisciplinary center houses the Critical Theory devotees at UNC. Then again, you'd have to deal with students who study Critical Theory :p

  5. Enoch says....Flyleaf Books might be a really good place to hold the lectures. They have a nice space for it where they have lots of public readings: authors, poetry, etc. That might also help advertise to the community
