Monday, December 21, 2015


All of you who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, throw another log on the fire, sacrifice a sheep, offer up prayers to the Sun God, today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year.  On this day, if our sacrifices suffice and our prayers are heard, the Sun God will end his long retreat, reverse course, and return to our world, slowly showing more of himself each day until, on June 21st, he blesses us with as much of himself as he can bear to reveal.

Now begins the time of three-day weekends, sitcom reruns, forced festivity, the required exchange of unwanted gifts, bowl games, and -- just when it seems that it cannot get worse -- my birthday. 

No wonder there wasn't any room at the inn.  It was probably full up with tourists in town for Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday this coming Sunday Dr. Wolff! Take care.

    You wrote:

    "No wonder there wasn't any room at the inn.  It was probably full up with tourists in town for Christmas!"

    I thought of writing a smart reply, saying back at the birth of Christ it was called the Saturnalia: a Roman Holiday lasting almost a week. Then I looked up Seneca and found out that it began on the 17th of December and ended sometime before Christmas Day. That goes to show you how bad my history knowledge is and I have a History Degree!
