Saturday, December 19, 2015


The one day war between the Clinton and Sanders campaigns is over.  The move by the Democratic National Committee, denying the Sanders campaign access to its own data on DNC servers because of a breach in security that allowed the Sanders campaign briefly to access Clinton campaign data, has been reversed.

The DNC is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Clinton campaign, presided over by Representative Debbie  Wasserman-Schulz, transparently a Clinton operative masquerading as a neutral overseer of the party.  She may be a loyal Clintonite, but she does not seem too terribly bright.  The Sanders campaign runs on excitement, energy, and youthful enthusiasm [even when the "youths" are in their eighties, as I am.]  Since Bernie's chances of getting the nomination are slim to none, it is really hard to sustain that enthusiasm.  A nakedly partisan action by the DNC is just what the campaign needed, going into the Christmas/New Year's Slough of Despond.  Anyone who had been beguiled by Christmas carols and Star Wars sequels into forgetting why they hate the Clinton machine was reminded by the DNC action.

I am not permitting myself to indulge in fantasies of a Sanders/Trump presidential race, now that it is looking increasingly possible that Trump will actually capture the Republican nomination.  But if Clinton is the next president, I may be ninety before there is any chance of a genuine movement to the left in America.  It gives me something to live for.

Now I shall bundle up and take my morning walk in sub-freezing weather.  I need to stay in shape for the long haul.


  1. I'm starting to think (hope?) the Sanders campaign could end up emulating John Frémont's 1856 run, where his good showing against an establishment democrat and a breakaway conservative 3rd-party candidate sets up an even bigger win for us in the next cycle.

  2. Wow, I certainly had not thought of that comparison, but this is a really freaky election cycle, and strange things are possible. AS they did not say in my family when I was young, from your mouth to God's ear.
