Friday, February 19, 2016


Tomorrow we shall get the South Carolina Republican primary results.  That will permit me to make another test of the estimates I posted in December and have several times alluded to since. Trump appears to be doing everything he can think of to lose his race for the nomination, but his efforts have so far failed to kill his candidacy. If my projection holds up, then I will begin to feel confident that he is going to secure the nomination.  Since it looks more and more as though Bernie will fall short, we shall then confront a Trump/Clinton race.  I hope my apprehension at that prospect is unfounded.


  1. I think Bernie is in the lead in national polls.

  2. I am sure that is an outlier -- one of those polls that falls outside the "margin of error."

  3. If I had to bet, I'd bet like you, Trump vs. Clinton. Clinton wins.

  4. Even if it's an outlier, he is still a virtual stand off with her, and in terms of "favorable opinion of", he's WAY ahead of her. In terms of "unfavorable opinion of" she's way ahead of him.
