Friday, March 25, 2016


My home state, North Carolina, has just enacted a perfectly appalling law designed to stop transgendered people from using public toilets.  [It is written in such a manner that it virtually outlaws any protections against any sort of discrimination at all, but never mind that .]  In response, my son, Professor Tobias Barrington Wolff, has just published this essay in The Nation

Take a look.

By the way, there are many places in France with public toilets that are available to both men and women -- cabinets with doors.  No one freaks out, no children's lives are ruined.  Just sayin'.

North Carolina really is a godawful place to live.


  1. Only lately. We used to have Terry Sanford.
    My friend Barry wrote this yesterday:

  2. This is a case that calls for a good psychoanalyst.

    They're people like Trump, obsessed with the size or shape of their genitals.
