Saturday, May 7, 2016


Back last July, I posted this snarky bit of satire:

"The Trump circus has been wildly entertaining, but the election is fifteen months away, and the American public is fickle, with the attention span of a May fly, so I worry.  What will keep us amused during the long Autumn and Winter, the tedious Spring, and yet another Summer, before the votes are finally cast and counted?    I have been brooding over this problem, and believe I have hit upon a solution.

I have, in the past, observed that Hillary Clinton is the smartest, most knowledgeable, most deeply experienced Republican currently running for the Presidency.  I think she needs to announce her candidacy for the Republican nomination.  She can explain that she has been deeply distressed by the partisan feuding between the Congress and the President that has brought the normal political processes to a standstill, and that she hopes, by offering herself as a Unity candidate on both party tickets, finally to bring the nation together again.  Since she has already satisfied whatever legal requirements there are for formal candidacy for the presidency, she would be good to go for the Republican nomination immediately.

In light of her sky-high name recognition and the general ignorance and stupidity of the Republican base, she would almost certainly garner enough votes in the polling to qualify for the Republican debates.  What is more, her policies are, or were at one time, mainstream Republican.  Her domestic policies are a trifle to the right of those of Eisenhower and Nixon, and she is easily as Hawkish in foreign policy as Dole or Romney.  Her dual candidacy would be a gift of great value to the bloviating Television commentariat, which is running out of faux astonishment and comic one-liners about Trump.

To be sure, the Republican National Committee could rule Clinton unfit to bear their standard, and on those grounds ban her from the debates, but then they would have to explain why Trump meets their minimal standards of acceptability when Clinton does not.

During the General Election, she could hold televised debates with herself.  I can hardly wait."

Yesterday, I read that Clinton is launching an appeal to fat cat Republican donors who cannot bring themselves to give to Trump's campaign but do not want simply to sit on the sidelines.  

The death of satire.


  1. Andrew Sullivan writing in New York Magazine:

    If one can resist the temptation to see this as just an expression of a right-wing p.o.v., there is much in Sullivan's analysis that bears thinking about, particularly on why Trump may actually be a serious contender.

  2. Dear. Mr. Cathcart, this was uncalled for. You have ruined my weekend. Just to return the favor, imagine this: Trump makes one of his famous backroom deals with a former competitor in exchange for future considerations. Trump becomes president and Lucifer, that old debating whiz, becomes his first Supreme Court appointee.
    I hate Clinton but I hate Lucifer + Hitler even worse.
