Friday, August 26, 2016


My son points out to me that my book on Rawls was called Understanding Rawls, not Reading Rawls, which was actually the title of a collection of essays [to which I did not contribute.]  It is really bad when you cannot even remember the titles of your own books!


  1. You have my sympathy, although compared to you I’m just a kid—a mere 78. My daily memory crisis revolves around whether I’ve taken my bedtime pills. I can take them, and five minutes later not recall whether I did or not. Most of them aren’t all that critical, but a blood thinner is. If I screw that up, they start tinkering with the with dosage and the phlebotomists come after me as if I were a piƱata.

    I hope you have more comments on Rawls. The discussion already is way over my head (I thought Cardinal referred to a ball team in St.Louis), but I hope to learn from it. Intuitively I like Rawls. I think public policy in this country would be much better off if policy makers put themselves in the original position before deciding an issue. I also wish Rawls had had a good editor. If his former student, Thomas Nagel, had written Theory, it would have been one-third the length and much more readable.

  2. "First you forget names, then you forget faces, then you forget to pull your zipper up, then you forget to pull your zipper down".

    Leo Rosenberg

  3. Somebody told me to say, "Taking my pills" out loud. Works like a charm.

  4. Thanks for the tip. I'll try it.
