Saturday, September 3, 2016


I have just finished preparing my notes for the second Kant lecture, and I am afraid it will be a good deal chewier and less chatty than the first lecture.  Sort of like the State Fair sideshow barker who entices passersby to buy tickets with promises of naked ladies and two-headed cows, and then when they are inside offers them instead a quick look at a pickled octopus.

I hope the geeks and true believers are pleased.


  1. Interesting choice of words, 'geek', for your sideshow metaphor. In our youth, 'geek' referred to the guy in the sideshow who was at the bottom of the food chain and whose job was to perform sensational, horrific acts like biting the head off a live chicken. I doubt that was your intended meaning for Kant geeks. : )

  2. Most of my life (I'm 34), "geek" was more or less synonymous with "nerd". And these days, "nerd" is applied to all and sundry hobbies, interests, etc, so basically means "stronger than average liking of said hobby/interest".

  3. "They promised to show me the starry heavens above and the moral law within, but all I got was some phony synthetic a priori" -- Carnap van Reichenbach

  4. Tom, I actually had that in mind as a little private joke.
