Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Trump has now declared that inasmuch as voters knew of his business interests when they voted for him, there can be no conflict of interest.  See this story.  As we might expect, the operative statement came in a tweet, viz:  "Prior to the election it was well known that I have interests in properties all over the world.  Only the crooked media makes this a big deal!"  This is an all-out frontal assault on the Constitution, the first step in the establishment of a fascist regime.  It goes with the effort, most likely successful, to neuter the press and news media.  I am not being hyperbolic.  We face an existential threat to democracy.


  1. Dear Professor:

    If Trump is successful, that is mainly the economy as well as competence elsewhere, he won't be impeached. If he's a flop, he's out on his belly.
    Auxiliary questions are whether he has any real policy other than winging it and how soon he will attempt to consolidate his power and whether he is more of an anarchist or authoritarian.
    I share your concern, too.

  2. My understanding was that the Electoral College was instituted to check populism when it went off the rails.


    Given that HRC won the popular vote and given that half the population in addition to the establishment of both parties believes
    that what is happening is not normal and threatens our way of life - and given that electors meet December 19 - and given that there is precedent (1836) for "faithless" electors to abstain or vote contrary to how the population of their state voted, technically at least, we still have a chance to prevent Trump from ever reaching the White House.

    How to pressure electors ought to be up for discussion.

  3. There can be no conflict of interest in Trump's mind. He's only got one interest: maximize financial gain for himself and his family. That overrides any other consideration, and hence there can be no conflict.
