Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Read the first item on the Daily Kos Abbreviated Pundit Review.  After you have clicked through to the end, if you doubt that Trump will come after the Jews, just substitute "gays" for "Jews," or "Latinos" for "Jews" or "liberals" for "Jews."

When you are done, I would like you to suggest ways in which each of us can publicly protest and resist.  Quite obviously, each of us alone can do next to nothing, but enough of us can place real obstacles in the way of the horrors coming down the pike.  Please, please do not tell yourself that it cannot happen here, because this is, after all, America.  It has already happened in America, several times, starting, need I point out, with 350 years of slavery and Jim Crow.


  1. I believe this is the intended link:

  2. Let me point out that the U.S. has an impressive record of torture in its overseas empire, in Viet Nam, in Iraq, in Guantanamo and has sponsored torture regimes throughout the third world, Chile, Argentina, the Dominican Republic, Brazil,
    Iran (under the Shah), Egypt, Indonesia, etc., and so there would be nothing so strange if people who are used to torturing abroad, bring their talents back home.

  3. A few suggestions for immediate action.

    1) Support Keith Ellison for DNC chair. You can leave a message with the DNC at 202-863-8000.

    2) Resist the appointment of Steve Bannon as chief strategist. Call, email, fax, and write Republican senators, congressmen, the Speaker of the House and the Senate majority leader and tell them that Bannon is unacceptable. There is also a petition to sign at

    Brian Leiter has more on his blog about the #stopbannon movement:

    3) Donate to organizations that protect the vulnerable and defend civil liberties. I suggest the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ACLU.

    4) Find more comrades by joining a left-wing political organization with whom we can organize and resist. I recently joined the Democratic Socialists of America, but others may prefer other organizations. The important thing is to organize, to learn from those who have resisted, to come up with ideas for further resistance, and to resist.

    Thank you, Prof. Wolff, for your blog and thank you to all the regular commentators. I have read this blog for several years, but after the election, it has become a haven.

  4. Thank you, Will. After reading your comments I did numbers 1, 2, and 3. I will keep pursuing other avenues.

  5. Here in NC there is the NC Justice Coalition which does important work.

  6. Thanks for all this info, I'm calling this evening and passing the information on to fellow academic colleagues.
