Monday, January 2, 2017


It is absolutely necessary that we keep insisting on the crooked, fascistic nature of the administration about to begin in this country, and I will do my best.  But I find the subject so distressing that I must from time to time retreat into philosophy or economic theory or sheer whimsy to preserve my sanity.  However, my son, Professor Tobias Barrington Wolff, on his FaceBook page takes note of and comments mordantly on all of the horrible things that Trump does and says.  Therefore, those of you who wish to read what the Wolffs have to say about these things on a daily basis are invited to check out my son's FaceBook page.  [I assume you all know how to do this.  FaceBook is used by north of a billion people worldwide.]  Think of it as a family business, like the corner grocery store.

Speaking of FaceBook, Mark Zuckerberg has renounced atheism and declared that he has found God [in some form or other] -- not a great testimonial for religion!


  1. Are you always in agreement with what you son says about politics and is he always in agreement with you?

  2. I am not always in agreement with myself, but he is a wiser and better person than I am, so what he has to say is always worth hearing.

  3. The rumors must be true: another billionaire running for office in the near future. America won't accept an atheist.

    While I am skeptical about him as a "born-again Jew," Zuckerberg certainly believes in money, power, the gullibility of the public, and the willingness of the media hang on the every word of a billionaire. All have served him well. As the did The Donald.

    The kid learns quick.

  4. Maybe he's wiser because he built on what you had constructed already, but you had to do the heavy spade work, which is a lot less elegant and messier and hence, appears to be less wise.

  5. I'm always touched to read what you have to say about your amazingly talented sons, and also a little envious. I love my parents but they are both very flawed people. Of course, by the time we realize that it's always too late. They've already filled us with their faults plus some extra, to paraphrase Philip Larkin.
