Monday, January 23, 2017


Following up on the DML post:  Would someone tell this geezer what a "slack" is?


  1. As I understand it (I've never used it), it provides a single user interface for team communications (email, text, VoIP, video), applications, and documents. The idea is to provide a one-stop, cross-platform, place for everyone on your team to share information and contacts. Good in theory but I'm dubious of most collaboration roll-outs that do not include culture change.

  2. Slack is a chat room for work collaboration

  3. Professor Wolff: I have been a constant reader of your blog, but I haven't commented for a while. I couldn't let this pass. In the delightful movie "Arguing the World" about the life and work of Irving Howe, Daniel Bell, Nathan Glazer, and the odious Irving Kristol, from their days at CCNY to the death of Irving Howe and the rise of Irving Kristol and his spawn, Daniel Bell talks about growing in New York in the politically volatile 1930s and mentions that his mother worked in the garment district. She told him that a year had two seasons: busy and slack. "Slack" will remain forever for me a season in the life of working class women, although I'm not sure that "collaborative" applies. I attended the Women's March on Philadelphia, along with 50,000 other fired up, pissed off, wiped out other folk.

  4. C. Rossi, my two grandmothers met in a garment factory in Manhattan in the 1890's. My father and my uncle went to City College with Ernest Nagel in 1920 and thereabouts, when there were separate tables in the student cafeteria for each splinter of the Left. My father, when I knew him, was just a good FDR Democrat, reading PM each day, but as a high school student at Boy's High, he got suspended for making leftwing speeches. He and my mother courted at Circle One, a branch of YPSL [Young People's Socialist League].
