Sunday, February 5, 2017


Susie and I arrived this morning more than an hour early [strong tailwind], wiped out, as old folks get after missing a night of sleep.  Paris was cold and rainy, but it felt like home.  Later on, I had an espresso [decaf] at the bar in our favorite café.  A waiter I befriended when last we were here greeted me, and asked after Susie [who was catching up on sleep in the apartment.]  I felt like a regular.

I spent some time on the plane trying to achieve a measure of perspective on the past two horrific but exhilarating weeks.  I think there is some good news to go along with a great deal of terrifying news.  Tomorrow, after I have had a night’s sleep, I shall try to write an extended post discussing all of this.  Suffice it to say, in anticipation, that the very best news is the scope and geographic spread of the on-going wave of protests against the Trump administration.  Keep it up!


  1. A prediction (totally unrelated to any thread, but thought I'd throw it in here while you catch up on your sleep, Bob): Trump and, if confirmed, Gorsuch, are going to move Roberts to the left. You heard it here first.

  2. Keeping the home fires burning in NC.
    Sent emails to Senators Tillis and Burr to return donations from Betsy DeVos and vote NO on her nomination.
