Friday, February 3, 2017


Tomorrow, Susan and I will fly to Paris for a long planned three week stay.  I confess to feeling that I am abandoning ship, but the truth is that I will be as clued in there as here about the horrible things that are happening, and with the exception of showing up to events in person, I can do there everything I can do here [international calls are free with my phone service.]  n a moment I will launch this week’s Friday List.  My own contributions are meager, principally because despite attempts, I have been unable to get through to the offices of either of my senators.  I take that as a good sign.


  1. Have a good trip. Enjoy Paris and all that great food and all those beautiful women!

  2. Many in Europe need reassurance that Americans haven't all gone mad. Maybe you can reassure them, and maybe they'll have insights into how we must organize la Resistance.
    Travel safely, come home healthy.

  3. Delighted to hear that you can't get through to Burr and Tillis. I also have not been able to!
