Sunday, March 26, 2017


I just got back from the supermarket where I was shopping for dinner.  As I was unloading the bags, I turned on Joy Reid on MSNBC [ I like her], and caught a bit of her interviewing two attractive young people [young to me!], a woman who is challenging Steve King in an Iowa House race next year and a man who is challenging Darryl Issa in a California race.  This is the sort of news I have been hoping to see.  Does anyone know anything about either of them?


  1. This is the second time around that Kim Weaver has challenged Steve King. Here's some background:

    Apparently Issa's previous challenger (Doug Applegate), who narrowly lost, is planning to run again. Mike Levin, who appeared on AM Joy, has decided to join the 2018 race. Scroll down to CA-49:

  2. Perhaps Joy Reid's tv show is better, but on Twitter she has an ugly penchant for insinuating that anyone who criticizes the Democrats from the left is an agent of Putin and that anyone who criticizes Hillary Clinton is racist and sexist. She is a rather sad model of what has become of the left today.
