Saturday, April 29, 2017


Someone, I cannot now find the question, asked me on this blog how many books I have in my personal library.  The answer is very few, perhaps 1500-1600, or so, down-sized from when I lived in Massachusetts.  That is a very small library for a professor my age.  On the other hand, I have read almost all of them.  I have them organized in five groups, each separately alphabetized:  General, Economics, Marx, Kant, and Afro-American Studies.  There is also a small Mathematics section, and of course all the music I acquired during my viola study and quartet playing.  Oh, and also a section devoted to various editions of the books I have published or in which I have published.  That is reasonably large.


  1. This sums of the state of american literacy (reading the comments is depressing):

    By comparison you have the library of Alexandria!

    Do you have a separate area for novels and fiction? You've often commented how you read Jane Austen and also spy novels/thrillers.

  2. But where are the cookbooks? (I recently downsized and gave away 500+ cook/food books, leaving about as many. It was instructive). On the other hand, I have a first-edition of R. Smullyan's Theory of Formal Systems in its brilliant princeton orange.
