Monday, April 3, 2017


I did something unusual in my lecture today.  To illustrate Freud's process of dream interpretation, I recounted a dream I had last night together with my associations to different elements of it, some of which were quite personal and sexual.  I did this in order to illustrate what Freud himself did, and to show the students why he was so violently attacked by the medical establishment for doing so.  I will be interested to see how viewers respond to it.


  1. Hi, The video doesn't appear on Youtube yet.
    I watch it from Iran

  2. BTW I should say THANK YOU for all the videos you uploaded on youtube, those videos about Kant, 2 hours Marxism and 10 videos of Ideological critique were really amazing. Unfortunately you are not considered as WFP ;) among Persian speakers and specially Persian intellectuals and I have never seen any translation of your books here. I hope by these videos students and academics get familiar with your nobel thoughts.

  3. Hi i am Kasim from Gilgit one of the old villages of the Karakorum mountain ranges,far north of Pakistan, i study medicine but i have gone through all of your books. i have watched your all video lectures on Kant's philosophy or Book, and your lectures on ideological critique,i simply loved your way of telling the stories, i remember the story you told when you were discussing the book "The signifying Monkey".... !! stay Blessed!
